Patient Care...
Below are our articles on the subject of Patient Care. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Aftercare in the Private Sector
For many patients, the aftercare they receive is one of the most important factors in their total care package as this is the part they remember most when they have…...

Diagnostic Technology in the Private Sector
Going private for diagnostic tests is much quicker than waiting on NHS lists and private screening can be obtained either under your medical insurance or on a…...

Private Health and Hospital Acquired Infections
Although the risks are considered to be lower in the private sector, it may still be possible to find you have developed a hospital acquired infection during your stay....

Private Health Waiting Lists
As private healthcare managers are able to control and accurately predict the expected turn out of patients, the chances of a waiting list accruing are small....

Private Healthcare and Your Recovery
The recovery period after an operation in the private sector is not hugely different to that in the NHS and after discharge you may receive your care through the NHS…...

What if Surgery Goes Wrong?
Any form of surgery carries risks that are explained to the patient before the operation, but many patients often wonder what exactly does happen when the surgery…...